It can be a stressful experience to lose your car fob keys and you can be stranded as a result. There are certain things you can do to stay calm and to find a solution. When you lose an electronic key fob, you will not be able to drive the vehicle as most modern vehicles will need this for access and ignition.
The first thing you should do is to stay calm.
You need to assess the situation and come up with a few steps you can follow in order to get you out of this. You have to check whether you have misplaced the keys in a common location. Maybe you misplaced them at home or the workplace. If you can’t find anything in these places, think about where you have been and try to retrace your steps. You need to check any place you have visited up to now from the time you remember having your keys with you. Retracing your steps will make it easier for you to remember where you may have potentially kept the keys. If your search doesn’t yield anything, you may have to consider using your spare keys. Maybe you have a family member that will have the spare keys. If you don’t have a spare key, you may need to keep going through your memory and now turn to the local establishments such as a restaurant, retail store etc. that you have been to recently. They will let you know if somebody has found lost keys and turned it over to them.

You may need to re-programme or replace the car fob if you cannot find it anywhere.
There are services that offer car fob replacement and you can search for a company in the local area. Make sure to check with them about how quickly they can get to you and whether they are able to replace the keys depending on the requirements of your vehicle. You have to ask them about the costs and whether they provide a warranty for the key. Modern car fobs generally come with tracking features or there will be a mobile app involved that will allow you to track them using the smartphone. If you have enabled these features, you will be able to track the keys within a limited range.

If none of your solutions have worked,
It is best to report the loss of keys to the local authorities especially if you suspect foul play or theft. You will need to provide them information about the circumstances surrounding the loss of key fob. Make sure you give them all the details to help them identify the keys. You need to reach out to the vehicle manufacturer so that they can deactivate the lost key fob. This way, nobody will be able to access your vehicle even if they were to have the key fob. You can also ask them about the process about how you can obtain a replacement. You will need to provide proof of ownership to verify your request. If you need immediate access to the vehicle, you can contact a key replacement service or locksmith.